964 Pinocchio

Year of release: 1991
Director: Shozin Fukui
Genre: Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk
Duration: 93 min
Language: Japanese (English subtitles)


Snowblood Apple Review

Alright so the poll ended and I gave it some thought (bastards, I originally wanted to post Hamlet ;_;). The conclusion was to post this movie for obvious reasons. This is from Japan, fucked up (maybe not as much as certain other Fukui films but still!) and it's cyberpunk. So I think this covers everything the voters (mostly) wanted.

Despite being low budget the movie is very enjoyable. It's not exactly terribly serious but it's not a comedy either. There are some humorous scenes (dark humor I might add) but they fit in this crazy atmosphere very nice.

The plot revolves around a cyborg that is designed to be a love bot (HOHO, YES LESBIAN SCENES ARE IN THIS MOVIE KYAAAA) but the owners throw it out because the cyborg can't have an erection (or something like that). The cyborg then wanders around Tokyo and he finds an homeless girl who adopts him and takes him to her lair.

I'll stop here because there's an great review (as always) on Snowblood Apple so I won't add anything else. All in all I like this one. It's not totally mind blowing or original but I had fun watching it.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8


You need HJ Split to patch this back into one file.


  1. Anonymous1/4/09 23:59

    Such a wonderful journal you have there ^_^

  2. this is my favorite movie ever.

  3. Anonymous9/4/09 21:52

    thank you soooo much!! ((:

  4. Here's a wild goose chase for you, can you find a copy of the ost for this film? i have an old music zine with a review of it but can't find one shred of evidence that it ever existed besides that.
