Alrigthy then. This should be some kind of an overview of the year. First I guess I should start with the poll since it's tied with the facts part of this post. The results were:
What do you download the most from here?
Music 9 (37%)
Manga 9 (37%)
Guro 2 (8%)
Everything 5 (20%)
First of all I think it's kinda ironic that guro got the least votes because according to my trusty mediafire guro mangas are downloaded the most from here (or some sneaky people are stealing my links, not that I mind that :D). Usually when I post albums it takes a week or so before it gets over 20-30 downloads. I'm not really surprised with this because since I post music that is not connected with each other so it's kinda hard to get a constant following. For example a few days I would post Insect Warfare releases, days after I would post a Totoro Soundtrack and afterwards something completely different and so on. So I guess people can't really follow my understanding of music thus the low following or so I think. Despite that I think I'll continue doing things my way no matter of how I'm untrue to a certain genre (Deathspell Omega fans a ho ho poke at you). TNA flourished a lot faster than FT, it had a steady visit of 500-600 visitors daily just after a few months and download count would go around 100 or so but honestly I enjoy much better posting here then at TNA. Over there things are starting to get rather, hectic. :D I get tons of mails and lots of promotions so I actually haft to do stuff and since I'm also very busy with college it's tricky to do both things at the same time. The result is a long gap between my posts and I feel kinda bad for people who are sending me their albums for posting because some of them had to wait for like a month or so. I even thought I should quit TNA for a while but I'm not going to since I still love that blog and I met a lot of great people there so it's still very fun over there despite the problems. If other authors (excluding Khaos) could be a little bit more active I would really appreciate that. Anyway, let's look at some statistics shall we? :D
The list of 5 most downloaded:
1. Original Soundtrack - Tonari No Totoro (162 downloads)
2. Sun Ra - Sound Sun Pleasure!! (131 downloads)
3. Ólafur Arnalds - Variations Of Static (126 downloads)
4. Angel'in Heavy Syrup - IV (125 downloads)
5. Original Soundtrack - Akira (125 downloads)
I was very surprised with this. Totoro ftw! :D
1. Junji Ito - Museum of Terror (84 downloads)
2. Fuan no Tane Volume 1 (74 downloads)
3. Boichi - Hotel (72 downloads)
4. A Funeral Procession of K Volume 1 (68 downloads)
5. Nijigahara Holograph (63 downloads)
Happy to see I have horror fans here.
1. Uziga Waita - Mr. Sarubato's Rowdy Classroom (351 downloads)
2. Uziga Waita - Modern Stories of the Bizarre (210 downloads)
3. Jun Hayami - 16 Year Old Piece of Meat (167 downloads)
4. Jun Hayami - This Is Art (146 downloads)
5. Suehiro Maruo - Ultra Gash Inferno (136 downloads)
It's rather obvious that my links are also posted somewhere else. I'm guessing Gurochan maybe? :D
Some other stats:
Total Storage Used:12.17 GB (From 236 total files)
Total Downloads Served: 10,698 (Since May 31, 2008)
Est. Bandwidth Served: 473.98 GB
I don't know about you but I'm very happy with how things are, the numbers are very satisfying and I think I did a good deed by spreading around some really (to me) amazing things.
Nevertheless there are still things which I didn't post and I really would like to start in near future. I would like to start posting video games. There are some really awesome older video games that you people might have not played or forgot and perhaps the younger generations can check out how games used to look like. So you can expect very soon some old DOS platformers, shooters, rts and Lucas Arts adventures; things that scarred my fragile childhood forever (Raptor omfg). I also hope to start posting some more artbooks and movies. Movies for that matter are the least downloaded things around but that's understandable so I won't complain, torrents are made for that anyway. :D
And the last thing I would like to mention is that I pretty much ripped all of my vinyls I have (I don't have a lot but there are some rarities among them, I think :D) so there's going to be a vinyl week or something soon enough when I sort and label everything out.
Well that's about it, I don't know what else to add, happy new year or something like that.