Usumaru Furuya - Suicide Circle (Jisatsu Sakuru)

Remember that weird Japanese movie (as if there are normal ones) where people would constantly do suicides and listen to a band called Desert or something? Well it was called Suicide Circle and this manga is a spin off to that movie. Though both based on the same thing movie and the manga go in a completely different way from the beginning so you should not feel left behind if you didn't watch the movie. I think it's safe to say that this manga is Furuyas version of the movie. The movie starts by a mass suicide of school girls (hot hot hot xD) by jumping in front of the train. In the movie they all die and someone leaves a mysterious bag but in the manga one of those girls survive and then we start to follow her life after the suicide attempt. The art is fine, nothing special or artistically breathtaking; it does the job well.


  1. Thanks for sharing! ^^

    This one has good ideas but I think the Japanese suicide trend issue is serious enough for making a more mature approach to it: the "sect" concept, and other issues, is very frivolous and cheap.

    The best stuff I've donwloaded from your blog is Maruo's one, of course :) And "The voices that call me is pretty good, too".

    Many thanks for your time in showing us new manga!

  2. Haha yes, the cult thing is cheesy. You should watch the movie it's quite interesting. Take note though that the movie is very surrealist and doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Be on lookout for a Maruo Christmas present here. ;)

  3. Anonymous7/5/10 09:32

    Being Honest, I have watched both the Movie and the Manga.

    The movie, although interesting and surreal at best, made rare sense, but here my catch on it.

    There were always certain people who can do crazy things, which other people won't blame them for doing it. So, the crazy people will just keep doing it again and again and again without suspicion and happy rainbows will appear among the blood and gore.

    If one suspects, the jig is up, yet they have to do the crazy thing on the suspected, and clear their name and blame it on someone Most likely, the blame is on the ones who are more likely conventional in their act. Problem solved.

    This goes on for the while until one person actually catches the culprits, and instead of killing the person, they can drag themselves to hell with that suspect.

    And no one will know a thing.

    Long story short, it's my point of "I didn't do it!"
