Pas mater instalater

I can't get this out of my head.

Ah finally I have a week off. Well actually I should be studying for exams but since I didn't get enough kvlt points (they are called ECTS actually but I call them kvlt points, fucking bologna) I can't attend exams so basically I fail at life. I can now finally sort out all the stuff people sent me and begin posting again. But then again, next week I'll haft to start again with next subjects so if I fail that I'll be leaving college, grabbin' a shovel and dig canals excellent.


  1. So if you do well enough, score enough ECTS points, during the semester, you are locked out of final exams?
    Do I have that right?
    And now you are on "academic probation"? If you fail another semester of classes (or just individual classes?), you're out?

  2. Here's how it works. The semester is broken into blocks. Each block has a certain number of subjects (in my case I had math and basics of electricity). You listen to these subjects and you take tests and some bigger tests called "kolokvij". With those tests you score points called ECTS, you can also get them through various other ways like being active on classes and solve tests via e-study and some other methods. You must get at least 40 points to get to the final exam. Everyone who scored 40 or more must write the final exam no one can evade it.

    I won't be kicked out, I'll just haft to attend these two classes next year along with the classes from the second year. If I don't do good in the next block I'll most likely leave by my own will because I'm simply not fit to do this. :D

  3. Ma NP, onda bjezimo u Japananana. :D

  4. Makes sense to me now.

    I found another Jane album, if you're interested.
    Jane - Age of Madness
    This link comes from

  5. Lots of good luck with the exams! Work hard!

    During these weeks I've enjoyed a lot your manga posts, they have enternained me a lot!

    Thanks so much and again

    ** GOOD LUCK **


