Original Soundtrack - Up

Hey, 200 followers. I feel popular. 8)

Up was a very uplifting (oh play on words) film that most of us saw, this year I think? Or was it 2009? I don't keep track of time.

Anyways, besides swell animation and a rather original and heart warming story about letting your past go this little movie also had a really great soundtrack.

What I particularly liked about it is its touch of swing in it. Somehow I felt the Rudy Valle and all the others in this soundtrack. It had that something which made me like it a lot. It has its share of orchestral pieces in it as well but I found them somewhat medicore. Despite that, it's a really good soundtrack that you should check out if you haven't already.



  1. I saw this recently and quite enjoyed it. Not my favourite Pixar, but good none the less. I have to say I'm surprised to see this here. Way to keep me guessing ;)

  2. Saw the track list recently in last.fm, and wham found it here. Yes, we ant more anime OST. Hahaha.

  3. @ Aylmer: Well you never know what I have in store for this place. ;D I enjoyed this movie quite a bit as well. I can't really say I'm a fan of CGI animation. I'm more of a cartoon styled movies myself but this was a treat. I like the apparent innocence of it and the theme it deals with.

    @ hicsuntdracones: Don't worry I'll plaster anime OSTs in no time very soon. ;)

  4. najbolji film.
