Maki Kusumoto - A Funeral Procession of K

A resident of Room 301 in Building 67, K, had died and no one had seen or was able to find his corpse. Everyone, however, was still certain that he was dead and held a funeral for him. That was when a stranger named Mikaya suddenly showed up and announced that he was going to live in 301. Determined to solve the mystery of this far from ordinary death, Mikaya began to question the residents and as everything began to unravel, he realized that something was very, very wrong. All characters are well developed, each is deranged in its own way but they all loved K. and respected him highly. Quite unusual way of drawing, didn't see much of this style; very abstract and artistic in comparison to mainstream titles. Definitely worth checking out.



  1. I love that one, thanks a bunch.

  2. Anonymous6/12/10 11:11

    the link is dead. mediafire doesn't have the files anymore.
