Kenji Hamaoka - Rome-rome

So here I am. It's about 2 in the morning and I just finished watching Near Dark which made me really sleepy. For some reason while I was watching the movie it kinda made me remember this cute little one shot. Haven't read it in a long time so I thought I should refresh my memory. Well, in a way it has something to do with Near Dark, it's about family and bonding. While Near Dark is a vampire flick (presumably) Rome-rome is a zombie flick. Funny though, I didn't read a lot of zombie related mangas (care to recommend something dear reader? just don't mention Zombie Loan :| ) but this one was a peculiar ride. I first heard about this searching for something that was similar to Historie and since it was called "Rome-rome" I thought it had to do something with Romans or Rome. How wrong I was. -_-

In any case, I would not really dwell in the story plot department because I would kinda ruin the whole thing and besides it's just a few pages long anyway. Artwork is kinda wacky, sorta childish but in a good way.



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