Flail - 2018 - Rehearsal MMXVIII


Here is something I discovered during this November and it is something different and strange! Flail is also a Finnish band but a much more lowkey band (although they do have a spotify page!) with not much info about them on the web. This rehearsal tape was their first official release and as luck would have it was also the first release I heard from them. Having only skimmed their future releases after this one I'm not really in a position to tell you how kvlt this one is compared to the newer ones but I does feel like this tape is more of a "proof of concept" thing than anything else. So what the hell is it? Well it is a bit difficult to describe as I don't really know any other band that sounds like them except maybe Yoga? Or I guess a really drugged out and disoriented Haexenzijrkell? Kind of?

The biggest contributor to their uniqueness is a very distorted and psychedelic guitar tone which has a bunch of weird effects that seems super layered with short bursts of delay or reverb? Or perhaps there are several guitars in the mix? I'm not really sure exactly how they are pulling this sound off but I absolutely love it. The vocals are more of an afterthought and can be heard mainly in the back and are your usual fare of pained screams that you can often hear on lo-fi tapes like this. Drumwork is slow and plodding but fits very nicely with the "slowly dragged into a void while overdosed on heroin" atmosphere of the whole tape. The only problem I have with this demo is that the guitars are definitely too high in the mix and they are suffocating pretty much everything else here and that can get annoying at certain points. Despite those production decisions this tape absolutely fucking rocks and I'm looking forward to discover the rest of their output as this tape sounds to me very fresh and unique!

Get it

Warloghe - 2017 - Lucifer Ascends


I've talked about this band before but I will briefly talk about this 7'' as well. Warloghe is a legendary Finnish band that recently resurfaced with a new full length which was my album of the year last year despite the album being highly orthodox and written mostly before 2021. But who cares anyway! I really like their sound as it reminds me of flesh slowly falling off from a living human as it walks. This 7'' record was released back in 2017 with little fanfare keeping in line with their "no nonsense" approach to marketing and hype. It consists of two unheard tracks, one recorded before Womb of Pestilence (first album) and one after showcasing their nuanced progress in nihilism. The title track also appears on the 2021 album in a rerecorded form. Both tracks sound weirdly yearning and melancholic to me as if they are calling back the good ol' days I guess. Great stuff and not to be missed but I am highly biased with this band so who knows. Expect high levels of not-production!

Get it / Stream it

Silberbach - 2009 - There Will Be Blood


Hey! It is that time of the year and I don't mean soon to be Christmas season! It is Nothing But Black Metal November! A fairly ludicrous tradition that I've picked up from /mu/ probably 5 or so years ago. Basically you are supposed to subject yourself to, as the title says, nothing but black metal for a month. Since I am and have been for years a kvlt motherfucker anyway I don't find this too difficult and basically I just use this month to revisit my black metal library, weed out the albums I no longer care for and force myself through at least some reasonable part of my massive multi year backlog. This year is no different and since we are nearing the end of november I was thinking I should share a couple of rediscovers and newly discovered albums in the next few days. Starting with...

Silberbach! Right at the start I have to say that the band name, the album title and the cover are all fucking stupid and goofy looking. But! The music is fantastic! You get 4 lengthy, varied and epic traditional black metal tracks that are highly German (and bit Norse-core especially on the second track) in style. Vocals are your usual croaky screams but the guitars are what steals the show here. Varied and harmonic the riffs are bountiful and catchy while not overly tacky with too much melodic wankery. Fun and energetic romp that I think will be pleasurable to any black metal fan.

Imperial Triumphant - 2013 - Goliath


I've been following Imperial Triumphant for a very long time by now. I think it was Abyssal Gods that made me check them out in more detail. I'm happy for them that they blew up with Vile Luxury - an album that I really enjoyed when it came out but sadly my enjoyment of it petered out eventually. Alphaville was alright and so is the new one (I was really happy that they got Kenny G on that single track, shit was fantastic). With all that I said I feel like a complete hipster pseud by having this digital only two track EP as my absolute favorite release by them.

This could very well be because it reminds more of Deathspell Omega than on Imperial Triumphant or that it has a more concise song structure but I still think it's a fantastic pair of songs. Dizzying, spiraling riffs that keep descending and descending backed by pretty intense drum rolls and inhumane (albeit effect driven) growls is what you'll find on these two tracks.

They might not be their most original songs but I like them a lot and whenever I think of Imperial Triumphant these two songs are the first thing I want to come back to.

Check them out!

You can also stream them here!

Alash Ensemble - 2007 - Alash


I feel like throat singing (or Mongolian singing or whatever you call it) has become quite known to the internet collective consciousness. Either through memes or genuine interest in it. As is usual with traditional music (this is just my hot take) it can get repetitive and unimaginative very fast, often relying on a few styles and not much variation within those.

Alash Enseble proves me wrong in my thinking providing us with a very enjoyable and varied album recorded way back in 2007. I don't understand the thinking behind the album cover as it conveys a completely opposite feel of the music contained on this album. It's lush, happy and upbeat. Even the ballads or slower songs provide a deep sense of glee and joy inside them (Subudai for example). While the instrumentation keeps to its roots and is fairly basic the vocal deliveries are varied in style, singers (both male and female) and tempos. With so much diversity in vocalizations that often go in harmonization with each other it makes sense to keep the instrumentation out of the spotlight as there are enough elements vying for it already.

If you ever wanted to check throat singing out but never found something captivating or interesting enough I'd suggest you try this album out!

Get it (flac 1 and 2 part) / Stream it

Teleport - 2018 - The Expansion

Man - that's a fucking great cover art. Teleport was a death metal band from Slovenia that I caught live possibly in 2018 or 2017, I can't quite remember the exact date. I am a  local band heretic as I don't really like any of the local bands from my country or the region but this one stuck with me as it seemed different from the usual when I watched them live. I'm also happy to report that they don't suck on the recording as well and this demo is a testament to that.

This high quality demo would be their last effort under this name, after this they would reform under a different name and for the first time release a well made proper full length in 2021.

A lot of what is on that full length can be heard or felt on this final demo but in a more rawer and simpler way which I like because I'm into more primal forms of metal. Despite being a demo it's competently made and produced death metal akin to more older school stuff from the early 90s and late 80s that had a very noticeable thrash metal vibe. There are three tracks in total which give you about 20 minutes of material. Production is on par and you can hear all of the instruments clearly (including the oft overlooked bass guitar), vocals are raspy and layered nicely in reverb/echo. This isn't the type of death metal that is an full on assault on your senses rather this is more of a contemplative spin on the genre packed with a lot of tempo changes and eerie melodies. Good stuff.

Get it.

Also check out their full length under their new name here!

Atsuko Nakazawa - 1973 - 中沢厚子ファースト・アルバム


Atsuko Nakazawa was (is?) a jpop/enka singer who made two albums in the 70s with this being her first. I don't know much about her - nobody does from what I can tell from light google research but that shouldn't matter too much anyway.

The album itself, as one would expect of jpop, is a fairly safe trek through loveable melodies and vocal harmonies with appropriate strings and 70s brass sections. What it lacks in creativity it compensates in how good Atsukos vocals are. I would say they remind me of Meiko Kaji a bit but Atsukos voice is much softer, more melancholic than angry and she doesn't get overly dramatic or expressive. There's a good balance here of happy and songs, most of them are pretty laid back tho so this whole thing is a very comfy experience.

Get it.

Andrew Hill - 1964 - Point Of Departure


I have great respect for Andrew Hill. He was a guy who carved his own niche and never moved outside of it despite everything around him. He played difficult to listen jazz from start to finish, never compromising or making "commercial" albums. I guess he was what would be called a musicians musician. And judging from the list of accompanying musicians on this albums he had a lot of talented friends behind him.

Point of Departure might very well be one of my all time favorite albums. It is intense, well structured and free but not completely free. Packed with a lot of dizzying saxophone solos by both Dolphy and Henderson - both of those guys are some of my favorite saxophonists of all time. There are no standards, co-authors or any of that stuff. Front to back this album is composed by Andrew Hill so all tracks have this cold melancholic and angry feel that is irresistible to me.

I don't want to make a long bloated post how much I like this album so I'll just say if you like adventurous jazz albums from the 60s you should definitely give this one a try!

Get it 1 & 2. (it's in flac!)

2022 albums so far!

I thought I'd make a half-year mark round up or something for all 2 of you who are still reading this blog!

Boris - W & Heavy Rocks 2022 

To be honest my love for Boris has died out quite significantly over the years. When they released the second Heavy Rocks (a long ass time ago) things kinda went downhill for me. They never really released anything interesting (to me) for a good while - Heavy Rocks II included. There were some releases I've liked since then like Love/Evol (most of it anyways), Live Dear album (the studio one was fucking atrocious to me) and maybe a few other things I can't remember off the top of my head but the year 2022 has brought us two albums from Boris so far and I've been enjoying both!

W is apparently a continuation of NO that came out in 2020 but it bears little resemblance to it. It's experimental, it's weird and it's very Wata in nature. Feedback, noise and so on. The album as a whole I liked it a lot but some songs (like the single with the music video) weren't that interesting and went nowhere. More recently they also released another Heavy Rocks iteration (sequel?) or whatever they consider it to be. This time around the band is more in their rock out mode but I'm happy to report that it's also experimental and weird at times. I was afraid it'll just be some generic uninspired stoner rock garbage but it has a lot stuff going for it. The riffs are good, there's also saxophones every now and again which bring the fury and intensity of the songs to a new level. All in all good stuff. Now that they did an experimental album and a solid rock album, I really wish they'd do a single song album. They haven't done something like that in a really long time and I think they can still do it imaginatively (assuming we ignore those three "single noise track" garbage albums they put out).

White Ward - False Light

These guys have been around for a while now and I was aware of them since the time they released their first full length but I never really cared much for them. This year they released their third full length and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. If I had to describe it in a convoluted and old&jaded perspective I would say it is a mix of Bohren & Der Club of Gore ambient passages with your good old hipster-ish black metal. There are some other influences here as well, so much so that they don't really sound as your standard black metal fare with just some gimmick attached to it. It's a cohesive work with all parts having some meaning but no all the time as some of the ambient passages don't really fit well in my opinion making the pacing of the album not really that great. A good chunk of it is great tho!

Vio-Lence - Let The World Burn

Hell yeah man! Vio-lence is back for some strange reason. While not as good as they were back in their prime years these dudes still can play and with this release they don't mess around. To their credit the album is not bogged down with a bunch of filler stuff. It is 24 glorious minutes of thrash that hits you right in the face!

Luminous Vault - Animate the Emptiness

Sadly I didn't enjoy the new Artificial Brain as much as I wanted to or anticipated to but this one was pretty fucking great. It's different, it's strange and it's obviously not Artificial Brain (not even close) but it does contain their bassist in this along with one more dude that's just in this. So this duo I guess is more of a passion project it seems. Vocals feel a bit out of place but everything else is pretty great.  Some kind of industrial death metal hybrid or whatever. I don't really know where to place this in my head.

Wormrot - Hiss

Hey! These guys! I played their debut so many times when it came out that I never really cared about their output afterwards. I do remember checking out Voices but apparently I don't remember anything aside from the fact that I listened to it. So I don't really know how different this is from their last but I like this one! A lot of the songs on this album try for something. They try to be different, it's not some amorphous mass of distortion and yelling but every song seems like they wanted to try something out. It's a collage of ideas and approaches and it feels very fresh to me. 

Häxenzijrkell - Urgrund

This is a German black metal band that I've discovered recently by accident. This is their second album and it's more of a continuation or refinement of what they did on the first album. Chances are you'll like both of the albums if you've heard either one. They play a droney, doomy and reverby black metal. It's slow and it's meditative, passages are often broken up with sampled German dialogues from movies (about witches I assume). I wish there would be less of it but I guess the band really wants them in there so I guess we'll just have to deal with it. All of their output is great, this album just being the tip of the iceberg.

Lifvsleda - Sepulkral dedikation

'ey kids ya want some good old fashioned black metal without any pretenses to anything else? If so then check this album out. Solid, traditional stuff that's filled with good riffs and blasts. Keeping the flame and yadda yadda

Ultha - All That Has Never Been True

As with White Ward this band has been on my radar for a long ass while but I never really liked any of their albums so much that I would want to recommend or talk about them. This time they hit the spot for me as the band made a pretty interesting mixture of underlying synths and their brand of (post)black metal. It has this irresistible dreamy quality to it that I just can't stop thinking about. Love it.

Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat

I knew DsO were gonna release something this year but I did not expect it to arrive so early in the year (usually they drop stuff around october). This was supposed to be something different from their previous albums but... eh. Not really? I mean it is different but not by a lot. It's competently done and I really liked that prolonged self indulgent guitar solo but as with Furnaces I just can't seem to care about the album as a whole. At least I can remember listening to this one - unlike Furnaces. I hope next one will be something better and more adventurous.

Desolate Shrine - Fires of the Dying World

I've liked all Desolate Shire albums so far. Massive, heavy and slow death metal from Finland. If you liked their previous albums chances are you will also like this. Don't expect for this album to win you over if you didn't care much for them before tho!

Blood Incantation - Timewave Zero

Ah yes, the kings of pretentiousness released an ambient album with much fanfare and acting like it's some profound open minded album. I... like it a lot. I don't know what the deal with these guys is because they seem to be deliberate assholes in all interviews/blurbs (maybe as a joke?) but the music they make is pretty good. I think, so far, this is my favorite album of the year. Both tracks are amazing, soothing space ambient akin to olden synth ambient albums from the 70s. If you know about this and want more, one of the guys from Blood Incantation has a side project called Hoverkraft which is similar to this album so check that also out!

KeyMage - Tower's Key

I have no idea why I like this but I do. I don't really know what to say about it. It's strange but I can't stop listening to it. It's really jarring and uncomfortable but great. Can't get it out of my head.

Immolation - Acts of God 

Album prior to this one I really could not care less about but this time Immolation made an album that I return to whenever I just want to listen to some quality death metal without any gimmicks attached. It's nothing revolutionary, Immolation sticks to their guns pretty closely on all albums but this album just flows so well and all the songs are pretty good riff-wise.

Conan - Evidence of Immortality

Conan for me was on a lousy streak with previous two albums. I felt like they ran out of ideas and introduced some elements to their songs that didn't much jive with me. This new album is a return to form but with added experience from those last two outings. Massive album and very fun to listen.

That's it for now! I could name a few others but they don't really stick with me that much. We still have plenty of time for more interesting albums this year. Fingers crossed!


So winter is (hopefully) slowly creeping into our lives and I randomly remembered this tape that I dug up a million years ago from some dark asshole of the internet.

Jötgrimm would in the olden days just be called ambient but today one would probably name it dungeon synth. I think it gives a much more space/nocturnal vibe than clackety castle keyboards but, hey, maybe I'm just an idiot.

If you enjoyed Paysage d'Hiver ambient stuff you'll probably love this as well. Understandably it has a very lo-fi aesthetic but it works perfectly and the production makes it wonderfully atmospheric. I feel like I'm watching end credits of some moody b-horror movie from the 90s. The tape is segmented in tracks but the rip is just everything spliced together which makes sense since tracks bleed into each other making the whole thing very seamless.

Overall I don't have any major complaints, if you like this type of stuff you'll love this I think.

Get it / Bandcamp

But! Turns out they have a second demo as well!

This one is less winter and less foresty but is still pretty great. Calm, melancholic moody passages in a minimalist way with not much layers. Definitely tries a lot more things than on the previous demo. Just good old synthwork.

Can't recommend both of these enough!

Get it / bandcamp

24.10.1927. - 10.04.2022.

The sky is a sea of darkness
When there is no sun
The sky is a sea of darkness
When there is no sun to light the way
When there is no sun to light the way
There is no day
There is no day
There's only darkness
Eternal sea of darkness

Obtained Enslavement - 1997 - Witchcraft


The fuck is that cover? The fuck is that name? The fuck is that title font? All those questions quickly evaporate once this relatively hidden gem starts its first proper track after pleasuring you with some synth cheese for about three minutes. They came from that lower bulbous part of Norway, dished out some okay albums and then petered off to somewhere else. While synth black metal albums weren't anything new or special by the time this came out these guys knew how to blend synths and guitars fairly well. Yes - it is cheese and over the top but what is written is good and perfectly listenable cheese. Giving credit to their songwriting is the fact that most songs are around 6 minutes in length but none feel like they are overstaying their welcome or are bogged down in monotony. One minute you'll have soaring tremolo riffs and shrieks and a minute later it will smoothly transition in a DOS game synth orchestration backed up by drum gallops. Something is always happening, something always changes even if for a brief moment or a tempo switch. At the total length of 50 minutes this can get you fatigued but if you are in the mood for this kind of stuff the album just breezes past.

Their other albums didn't quite grasp the brilliance of this one but the second one after this one s worth checking out if you get tired of this one.

Get it.

Stream it.

William Bell - 1967 - The Soul Of A Bell


Let's start this year proper with some great old school soul / R&B. William Bell is actually still alive during the time I'm writing this post but I'm not very familiar with his entire catalog. This was his very first album and it's fairly conventionally safe. The album can be roughly separated into two categories which are: slow songs and fast songs. Riveting; I know. Bell definitely excels in slow songs and those are my favorite on this album while the faster, upbeat ones are alright (my favorite of the jumpier ones is track 10) but are often too cheesy or even outright annoying (Eloise) to me. All the slow ones though are really a treat and sometimes when the organs chime in I get a funny funeral doom feeling. It's doom metal...but soul. I don't know, I get that vibe.

The biggest issue with this record is that during the quiet parts you can hear a very audible hiss which unfortunately comes from the original tapes and can't be removed (or they didn't try). If you can get past that then you'll have a wonderful soulful time.

Get it.

Fav track.

Stream it!

End of 2021 and start of 2022!

Holy shit, it's over already. Can someone please stop time? It seems like whoever is driving time has passed the speed limit a long while ago!

The world seems to have stopped at around 2019 tho and history repeats in a sense that I managed to get covid a second time almost exactly a year from the last time! While last time it was't really a joking ordeal (had a 3 month sick leave) this time around I got over it in like a day or two but I'm still in isolation. Isolation is actually pretty nice this time of year since it is too cold to be outside anyway and I was getting tired of my endless treks across Europe. With new year comes new hopes but dressed in old rags. This time it will be different! I doubt it but maybe something changes.

The year 2021 in music to me has been pretty uneventful for the most part. The biggest discovery that I had was Keith Jarrett and his solo piano performances. Yeah I know he's pretty well known but I never got around to his music before and I can honestly say that his solo piano concerts really live up to the hype. That is if you enjoy listening to one lone dude hammering on a piano for an hour. 

Anything else? Let's see... Well metal had a couple of good releases that I liked. Warloghe released an album but can it count as new? It really is just a bunch of songs they wrote 10 years ago but never recorded. Despite that it still is my fabled album of the year. I love how it sounds and the feeling I get when I listen to it is the feeling of helpless decay. Absolutely marvelous. Moving past the metal cavemen I would also like to mention King Gizzards album from the year and that one saw a lot of rotation during my long waits at airports or transports. Another not metal release that I adored is the collaborative effort between Evan Parker and some new-ish kids on the block. A really solid and intense live performance that we are lucky to be able to witness in recording at least.

That's it - pretty much. Brief much like the post number for 2021. This year maybe more maybe less - who knows? I have like a week more of isolation so I hope to drum up some more posts. I do have a couple albums I wanna talk to about with the abyss of the internet. In any case - here's the list:


01 - Warloghe - Three Angled Void

02 - Lvcifyre - The Broken Seal

03 - Clandestine Blaze - Secrets of Laceration

04 - Korgonthurus - XX

05 - Alda - A Distant Fire


07 - Silvanthrone - Forbidden Pathways to Ancient Wisdom

08 - Voidsphere - To Overtake | To Overcome

09 - Warmoon Lord - Battlespells

10 - Frozen Flesh Order - Extra Terrestrial Terrorism


01 - Natural Information Society with Evan Parker - descension(Out Of Our Constrictions)

02 - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Butterfly 3000

03 - DJ PoolBoi - Rarities EP

04 - A Victory For The Sullen - Invisible Cities

05 - Godspeed You! Black Emperor - G_d's Pee AT STATE'S END!

06 - Chris Potter - Sunrise Reprise

07 - Toumani Diabaté & London Symphony Orchestra - Kôrôlén

08 - Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & London Symphony Orchestra - Promises

09 - Serena Gabriel Featuring Steve Roach - Seeing Inside

10 - Menagerie - Many Worlds


01 - Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse

02 - Paysage d'Hiver - Geister

03 - Funeral Mist - Deiform

04 - Phrenelith - Chimaera

05 - Hyperdontia - Hideous Entity


01 - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Shanghai

02 - dj poolboi - i don't really mind (feat. Su Lee)


04 - placeboing - DOOR STUCK remix

05 - Target Demographic - Start Again

Be safe out there and happy late new year everyone!