Silberbach - 2009 - There Will Be Blood


Hey! It is that time of the year and I don't mean soon to be Christmas season! It is Nothing But Black Metal November! A fairly ludicrous tradition that I've picked up from /mu/ probably 5 or so years ago. Basically you are supposed to subject yourself to, as the title says, nothing but black metal for a month. Since I am and have been for years a kvlt motherfucker anyway I don't find this too difficult and basically I just use this month to revisit my black metal library, weed out the albums I no longer care for and force myself through at least some reasonable part of my massive multi year backlog. This year is no different and since we are nearing the end of november I was thinking I should share a couple of rediscovers and newly discovered albums in the next few days. Starting with...

Silberbach! Right at the start I have to say that the band name, the album title and the cover are all fucking stupid and goofy looking. But! The music is fantastic! You get 4 lengthy, varied and epic traditional black metal tracks that are highly German (and bit Norse-core especially on the second track) in style. Vocals are your usual croaky screams but the guitars are what steals the show here. Varied and harmonic the riffs are bountiful and catchy while not overly tacky with too much melodic wankery. Fun and energetic romp that I think will be pleasurable to any black metal fan.

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