Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare

Honestly I have no idea why I didn't post this before. It's one of the most biggest classics of thrash metal and metal in general. The stars were perfectly aligned when this record was made.

From the production to the riffs everything fits together so nicely and well that I can't imagine how could this record be made any better. Praise aside this album generally is well known among the thrash crowd but maybe not so among other fans of music. Vio-lence were around for a while but they never really made it big during their time despite making really solid albums throughout their career. Maybe because the sound kinda leaned more to the punk side of things?

If I really had to choose an album as my favorite amongst their discography this would be it. It's fun, fast-paced and excellently composed with some really great hooks and "crowd choruses". The only thing that takes some time to get used to are the vocals. A lot of people tend to have problems with the vocals on this album mainly because they sound a bit out of place. I can't really explain how the dude sounds but I guess he sounds like an exaggerated version of a standard clean thrash vocalist. It's kinda weird but I like it and have no problem with it. So you might not have any problems with it as well.

Check this out if you haven't and you're into metal.


Fav. track.

1 comment:

  1. my fav bay area thrash album. I love how they seem to be barely holding it together on fast parts like they are playing at their limits. The vocals are great - more of a hardcore shout - and they are very "snotty" as in "snot-nosed-punk". Serial killer - my favorite song.
