Jolly good.

Excellent! I just want to thank everyone for the input and while we're at it I'll axe myself in the face and answer some questions/topics that arose etc.

- more tags for manga posts: yes, this is something that I completely overlooked (because I didn't plan to post that many manga at the beginning) and I will from now on enforce author and genre tags for manga.

- Xenu's Link Sleuth: tried this and it works great, many thanks to the anon who recommended it!

- Where is Dylan Dog?: ah yes, that. This turned out to be a much more complex process that requires much more time and skill. I translated some of the story that I was planning to upload but I'm having a lot of trouble adapting it to English language. If someone wants to give it a shot and translate it from Croatian to English let me know via email and I'll send you the scans.

- More manga!: the lack of manga is I guess due to the fact that I stopped reading them for a while but my interest in them arose again recently so you can expect them soon. By soon I mean today.

- Design: although it's a bit ugly and simple it's functional. I'm not really sure how I want it to look in the future. Perhaps some tabs or crap like that. I'll need to plan this out so there will not be any changes soon.

Other than that I'm really happy to see that people are enjoying this little blog. Thanks to you all; dismembered lolitas for everyone - on the house. Now let's go back to the usual business.