Nagisa Ni Te - Feel

Nagisa Ni Te or 渚にて is a folk/rock duo from Japan but surprisingly not from the Tokyo area. They come from Osaka and their name means "on the beach" which is fairly fitting actually. They've been putting out albums since 1995 and this one was released back in 2001. Aside from this album I also heard their debut but I find this one more interesting. First one is more experimental but I enjoy the more melancholic vibe that Feel has

The core of Nagisa Ni Te is the duo of Shibayama and Takeda. They both provide vocals which fits really good with the music that's in the maximum laid back style. The songs are mainly focused on slow acoustic instrumentation but there's enough diversity and experimentation that keeps this hour long album not particularly boring. Some songs tend to draw out though. While essentially being a duo there are lots of songs where more instruments come in. Most of these "session" musicians come from Maher Shalal Hash Baz band which makes sense since both bands are kinda related even in sound. While Maher has a more naive sound to it and feels more simple Nagisa on the other hand has much more tight instrumentation and sounds overall more apt in its songs. Despite that they give me a similar vibe.

Anyway, great album. Check it out.

Get it.

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