Suehiro Maruo - Lunatic Lovers

Suehiro Maruo is an very unconventional artist in the guro and in general manga world. This is mostly because he abandoned almost all well known drawing styles from todays and a bit earlier anime/manga. This means there are no huge eyes, unnatural hair, usual plots, giant mecha and all other stuff we usually see. This is something completely different from everything I saw so far. The art is highly influenced by early 20 century fashion and looks so most of his stories takes place in that time. Stories usually begin as all normal stories do and steadily progress into a very abstract and psychedelic trip. His most popular work I guess is Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show that was later on adapted to an animated film called Midori but it was banned in Japan and it's not that easy to get (I have it though ha ha :P, don't worry I'll post it one day) but there is a torrent lurking around maybe it still works. All in all this is some great stuff and be sure to give it at least a chance.

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