News, updates, the list could go on...

Hey, so, I have some things to say.

1. To the person who left a comment yesterday (or today?): I accidentally deleted it because moderating comments on an ipod while being shitfaced is a bad idea. I didn't manage to read it so I can't respond. Really sorry about this!

2. The lack of posts is because my main PC is broken yet again. This is due to the fact that I bought a shit SSD and put Windows on it. Now I can't access Windows because the ssd drive malfunctions and can't load drivers (not even in safe mode). Meaning: I lost access to all my stuff and won't be able to access them until the end of the month.

The good news is that I already have stuff uploaded from before but since the names of the zip files are coded I have no idea what is what so currently I'm sorting that shit out.

3. I still have access to movies and anime on my external hard drives so expect more of that as soon as they upload.

4. This is a really neat documentary film about Art Tatum, my favorite pianist. Check it out sometimes.

5. Kids on the Slope was a fun little anime (the romance was a bit cheesy at times though). Watch it sometimes.

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