Insect Warfare & Hatred Surge - Split

It has been a while since I posted anything crunchy and grindy. Everyone who is into a little bit more underground grindcore should already know about Insect Warfare and Hatred Surge as they have become quite popular these days. For those who don't know they are both from Texas and both play old school in your face grindcore we all love and adore.

Insect warfare leans more to the metal side of things, far more growling vocals, heavy guitars and of course blast beats. Hatred Surge is actually a side band (sort of) of the bassist from Insect Warfare but nevertheless they sound nothing like IW on this split. Their side is grindcore as well (I guess?) but the type that leans more to the hardcore punk sound. What I also enjoyed is the dual vocal combo on the Hatred Surge side between a male and a female. <3


I didn't rip this but I have it on vinyl so here are the scans of inlays etc:

(click on them to enlarge)

Back side:

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