Benkyo Tamaoki - Tokyo Akazukin (Tokyo Red Hood)

Once upon a time there was a loli in Tokyo. This loli was known only by the name Red Hood. This little loli had only one goal, to be eaten by a wolf.

That's pretty much the basic story of this manga. :S

In a more detailed fashion of explaining this isn't full frontal guro, sadly. Yes - there is explicit violence and yes there is nudity but it is not grotesque. It lacks that disgusting part. I don't know; maybe I'm getting too much used to guro but to me everything here looks pretty and stylish. Kinda childish really. Nevertheless this is still an fully enjoyable read. Packed with violence, action and weird characters this 4 volume story rides you through Tokyo underground filled with cannibalistic desires, butchers, demons and stuff like that. The story is pretty much straightforward once you realize what is it about. Personally I think it's brought to the end quite abruptly, I guess deadline did its thing to the author so he left some things half finished. The art is fairly normal for a manga. Not too little and not too much details, a little big eyes, lots of blood etc. If you went through one shonen manga you should know what to expect from the art.



  1. I love this blog! Thanks for sharing so much great stuff!

  2. Anonymous26/9/09 08:06

    Haha. Yeah I remember reading this. So great

  3. Good read, thanks you!

  4. Thanks! The cover of the first issue is worth the download alone.

  5. Super stvar!
    Citao sam je na drugo mesto , priceless.
    Definitvno cu svoju djecu citati ovu verziju :)
