A lot of things happened in this one year. I finished and started a lot of things in my life and this blog kinda reflected all these happenings, despite being just a download blog. My first day at college, my trips to Serbia and all the little things I whine about in my posts. Now when I look back at the old posts I can actually remember how I was and how I felt when I was posting it. So in a way each post is a small part of me, but, this was also the purpose of this blog. To give away things that I like, I sad one day, thus I opened this - thing. A Flying Teapot that rides in the air gathering people on the netsphere for a tea party somewhere in the clouds. I guess I kinda succeeded in doing so. I met a lot of great people through this blog and I also managed to receive some things that I was unable to find myself so when all is calculated I think it was a good thing to start this. Which is why you should put on a birthday hat for ronery me. ;( Anyway, my head hurts from drinking yesterday so I needed to rant a little.

In any case I'll switch from my nostalgia to something better. Presents!
I uploaded several things and I hope you will like most of them. There's a bit of everything so I think everyone should be satisfied. In all honestly I had no idea what to post. At first I wanted to post all my original Bathory cds in .flac but the idea was soon dropped because I realized that my cd rom does not work so I could not rip them apart. -_-
The second idea was to post around 10 albums that were the most influential to my musical path but I decided not to because those albums are so mainstream and accessible that people would not download them at all.
So finally I decided to post:
1. Two ebooks that I'm currently reading.
2. A manga dear to me.
3. A raw manga that looks fucking awesome.
4. A video game that I'm digging for a while now.
5. A movie that I recently watched and enjoyed a lot.
So open your presents dammit!
I don't like to read books. There, I said it. I am way too much psychotic to be able to concentrate myself on imagining something that the other person is trying to tell me with countless words. I think of at least three different things at the same time completely unrelated to the book when I read. That is of course when I read dramas or story books (whatever they are called). I read science books. Yes, I'm that much of an elitist. I read things of science. Astronomy and philosophy. Therefore I present you the two books that I'm currently enjoying quite a bit.
The first is called The General Principles of Reality. The book tries to unravel the mystery known as reality and they do it in a most interesting way with not that much mathematics so if you don't understand more complex math you should not have a problem with reading it. In short here's what you'll find here:
- defining realities and relative realities
- defining a new concept of dimension
- introduce and define the Reality Scale Constant S
- defining the true effect of gravity and charge
- redefining Newton’s Gravitational formula and introducing the Q transform
- defining Space-Time Density and its New Universal Law
- show a new perspective on most known physics
- defining charge and neutrality
- detailing the relation between Quantum and Celestial realms
- defining Space-Time Buoyancy (anti-gravity)
- detailing Space-Time Buoyancy (anti-gravity) applications
- defining the formulation of Space-Time Distortion
- detailing the link between Electricity and Distortion
- defining Electro-Distortion equations
- redefining Light and Electromagnetic Waves
- detail that the Speed of Light (c) is not constant or a limit
- detailing Faster Than Light speed applications including Quantum Radio
- redefining Einstein’s Relativity equations
- redefining Einstein’s Energy equation
- attempt to explain zero and its relation to dimension and realities
- detailing the true effect behind elementary and molecular bonds
- touch on entropy, aging and its link to Earth
- touch on evolution
- explain Existence
- proving God exists
Although I don't agree with everything that the author wrote he does make some dashing good points.
Read it.
The second book is called Understanding the Universe From Quarks to the Cosmos. The name speaks for itself. The book is some serious heavy shit so if you don't like this kind of books, don't read it. It's about 600 pages long so I could honestly recommend this only to people that are into astronomy and science (and also to those who want their heads to explode).
Read it.
Aruku Hito - Walking Man
In this manga; nothing happens. That's right, nothing. And it's about, well, uhh, this:Aruku Hito - Walking Man

There's a picture of a penis in this manga so download it.
Junji Ito - Shin Yami no Koe - Kaidan

Crayon Physics
Crayon Physics
This game is the best thing that happened in my life, ever. Perhaps one of the most innovative and orginal games of all time. Watch the trailer, it will explain everything and then download this and play it untill your life is consumed in whole and become one with the megastructure. The music is also completely amazing.
Adrift In Tokyo
Year of release: 2007
Director: Satoshi Miki
Genre: Drama
Duration: 101 min
Language: Japanese (English subtitles)
A movie from this century? In color? :D
Yes and it's amazing. There's not much info about this film around imdb and there's no snowblood apple review so my hands are a bit tied.
Anyway the plot goes something like this:
Takemura has no friends and no family. He's a student but he doesn't have any particular ambitions. In other words, he isn't going anywhere fast. Were all this not enough, the sorry sad sack has a debt of 800,000 yen. Fukuhara, a surly debt collector with a glorious mullet, is on his case. After roughing Takemura up, he gives him an ultimatum-72 hours to pay up, or else. Takemura barely has his wits about him again when he runs across Fukuhara a second time, and this time the thug has a different proposal-a walk. That's right, in exchange for a million yen, Takemura must accompany Fukuhara on a walk across the city of Tokyo. Starting in a distant corner of the city, they begin their trek towards downtown, striking up a conversation.
So basically much like all the presents today this movie is relaxing and calm. Two people walk through the city and they talk. They exchange life stories and visit places that mean something to them.
Highy recommended!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
And this concludes this lengthy post. I hope you enjoyed at least one present.
Lastly, I would like to thanks everyone who visits this little place of blue background and I hope you'll visit it in the future until I get hit by a car and die a pointless death while my organs are being sold on black market and thus I won't be able to post again.
Total Storage Used :
19.32 GB, from 360 total files.
Total Downloads Served:
40,609, Since May 31, 2008.
Est. Bandwidth Served:
1.95 TB

You can take off your birthday hat now that you wore for me while reading this! >:|
Adrift In Tokyo

Director: Satoshi Miki
Genre: Drama
Duration: 101 min
Language: Japanese (English subtitles)
A movie from this century? In color? :D
Yes and it's amazing. There's not much info about this film around imdb and there's no snowblood apple review so my hands are a bit tied.
Anyway the plot goes something like this:
Takemura has no friends and no family. He's a student but he doesn't have any particular ambitions. In other words, he isn't going anywhere fast. Were all this not enough, the sorry sad sack has a debt of 800,000 yen. Fukuhara, a surly debt collector with a glorious mullet, is on his case. After roughing Takemura up, he gives him an ultimatum-72 hours to pay up, or else. Takemura barely has his wits about him again when he runs across Fukuhara a second time, and this time the thug has a different proposal-a walk. That's right, in exchange for a million yen, Takemura must accompany Fukuhara on a walk across the city of Tokyo. Starting in a distant corner of the city, they begin their trek towards downtown, striking up a conversation.
So basically much like all the presents today this movie is relaxing and calm. Two people walk through the city and they talk. They exchange life stories and visit places that mean something to them.
Highy recommended!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
And this concludes this lengthy post. I hope you enjoyed at least one present.
Lastly, I would like to thanks everyone who visits this little place of blue background and I hope you'll visit it in the future until I get hit by a car and die a pointless death while my organs are being sold on black market and thus I won't be able to post again.
Total Storage Used :
19.32 GB, from 360 total files.
Total Downloads Served:
40,609, Since May 31, 2008.
Est. Bandwidth Served:
1.95 TB

You can take off your birthday hat now that you wore for me while reading this! >:|