Furia - Martwa Polska Jesień

I hate this cover. It feels so amateurish, it's not representative of the band at all.

Furia is a band that comes from Poland, they have four albums out (newest came out this year) and most of them seem to be pretty highly rated. I've only checked out this one so I'm not sure how it compares to the others but of what I heard this is certainly another quality band from the rich Polish scene of black metal.

Musically the album is reminiscent of Mgła but perhaps less melodic, more aggressive and less fast. Despite being less catchy than Mgła they still are quite melodic and pleasing on the ears. Another great factor are the vocals which are some kind of pained groans that go along with the music quite nicely and they don't feel tacked on the music. Another highlight of the album are the drums, especially the blastbeasts, that thunder throughout the whole album. The drummer is for me the biggest factor why their sound is so rich with detail. I guess the only complaint I have with this is album is that sometimes it sounds  a bit sterile.

Highly recommended.


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