Kazue Sawai - Plays 'Koto' Classics

Koto oriented music always had a special place in my tiny little heart. I love the sound of it, it might not sound very special but it really rubs me the right way. It sounds sinister yet really beautiful. Dunno, I just like it.

This album is for you if you share this passion. There's not much to say about it aside from the fact that there's a lot of koto playing involved. The pace is slow and brooding, there are tracks where there's singing but most of the time it's instrumental and the tracks all last for a long time.



  1. ShyGlacier2/10/13 20:44

    Thanks a lot, that sounds like an album I'll love :)

  2. Thanx for all posts. Just discovered yr blog and I fuckin love it!!! Hvala za vsem. Hugs from Italy

  3. Anonymous20/5/14 03:12

    Thank You For This Album,and for Morita Doji Too! :)

