Jedi Minds Tricks - The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness

Speaking of rap music here's another album that I greatly appreciate.

Jedi Mind Tricks are a fairly known group in the semi-underground scene of hip-hop and this was their very first album. This album is rather unique in their career because they later on switched to a more "brutal" form of lyricism. The Psycho-Social album is focused on esoteric and cosmic themes which is something that stands out from the heap of "I'm so awesome and you suck." type of groups. The beats and the atmosphere are very much like the lyrics, "cosmic" would be the proper word I believe. Free masons, Xenu, aliens, transdimensional teleportation, conspiracies, black magic and all that stuff. It's all very well composed and arranged.

So turn of your lights and fly away into the mysteries. For a while anyway.



  1. Great album, the production on The Winds Of War is insane. Not to mention a quote from Se7en, it's gotta be one of the best rap tracks ever. The rest of the album is pretty good as well.

  2. I concur .
    Truly brilliant.
    Also try "Army of the Pharaohs" .

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