About the cowboy bebop CDs. They are uploading at the moment and will be posted tomorrow. For some reason the No Disc album ironically can't be read by my cd-rom for some reason so I'm unable to rip it. I'll provide scans though.
-- After uploading it for like 5 times on mediafire it still didn't work so I gave up and will upload it on megaupload tomorrow. --
Oh and I reuploaded GOTH, get it here.For those of you who used some of their time to read my yearly overview you might remember that I was mentioning something about scanlating certain comics. So far I only posted Japanese comics (yes I prefer saying comics and not manga) and I was pretty much in content with that because at the time I was deciding to do something like that I was focused on just Japanese comics. Despite the purist appearance that I might have projected I actually read a lot of European comics as well and also some American ones. I guess I'm least familiar with American comics as I only know the basic mainstream stuff that I used to read as a kid and perhaps just a few lesser known. The main problem that I have with comics from US is that they are in full color. I know it sounds stupid but I find that to be very unnatural and I'm not used to reading such comics. I feel uneasy. :S
I was thinking about posting some American ones but I'm not sure if I want to attract unnecessary attention from Dark Horse and DC comics and besides, the main mass of visitors are from the US so you guys can buy such comics with relative ease. Where I live on the other hand you can't really find much of the famous bunch. At least not the latest ones. I guess the populace over here in Croatia isn't very interested in it. Another problem is the annoying work of translating the comics and adapting them to our language. Now that I'm at it I'd just like to forward you to
this blog where you can find a lot of such comics.
What we do have are comics from other European countries (mainly Italy) and from what I saw they are not very much exposed on the internets. For that very reason I have decided to scanlate one of my favorite series of comics; Dylan Dog.

Dylan Dog is actually the highest selling comic in Italy and is also very popular in neighboring countries like mine. On the photo above you can see the two types that are usually up for sale at the stores. The first on the left is just one story comic (about 96 pages) the classic stuff and the one on the right is a three story pack that has about 300 pages. In fact it looks very similar to the
Tankobon style of pressing (your usual manga format) except it's a little bigger.
Comics are episodic so you can freely jump from issue 5 to issue 55 without any major changes. There is a main plot hidden somewhere but I can't honestly say that I read much about it. The story follows a man called Dylan Dog who is a detective specialized in peoples nightmares. Well he calls them nightmares but it can be anything from killers to psychotic child ghosts etc. A lot of times the story convinces you that there is something paranormal in the works but at the end it turns out the monsters are actually humans. Another thing why I think it would fit here is that it's a horror comic and is not afraid to show gore but it has it's lighter side as well. The light side is actually his side kick/comic relief Groucho (Groucho Marx that is, haha!). In all honesty his jokes always make me laugh and his play on words is something that is always an enjoyment to read.
So yeah, that's pretty much the basic stuff I wanted to mention. I have already started scanning the comic and I'll do my best to translate/adapt it to English so it can be enjoyed fully. If someone has some tips, feel free to share them as I'm quite new at this. Expect to see the first translated issue next month!