We've met before, haven't we?

Been preparing for exams that will be this week etc.

Once I dislocate my spine from studying I'll do some posting. I collected a bunch of interesting things so it should be fun.


  1. Hello, ohh i understand your situation, i have finale works (very importants to define my school situation...) this week.
    I hope everything goes alright for you (and for me of course jeje)

    your blog is awesome!!!!

  2. nice to found another me in the internet
    i was a guro chan torrent for a long time and i lost all my gore, hentai, 160 g of best manga ever.
    i have a lot of stuff to share with you.
    i have a music &manga& art too.

    thanks for maruo ex i and ii.
    thanks for everything.
    i have phew s music * old cds

    acetoeteno.com.ar *music art manga blog
    kunstwerkkunst.blogspot.com my art stuff

    im juliet, im a girl from argentina

    my mail if you want to comunicate with me
