Tetsuya Saruwatari - Riki - Oh

Oh wow.

Uh, this guy has a huge star of David on his hand and he goes around; beating the shit out of everyone. He was also shot 5 times. Not exactly 50 cent tough guy type but close to it. :D

A long time ago when I was out (by out I mean in my room; alone and on the internet) hunting for manga and I saw this peculiar story. Tried reading it but everything was in Japanese. Not so long ago I found it again, translated! So yeah I started reading this. The story at the beginning goes something like this. A guy comes into a jail and he's tough. If you look like you have concrete not muscles under your skin you are bound to get in trouble with someone. And so I was reading and yeah, it was belivable. Then after a while he did something to which I kinda said "yeah I guess this is could pass in real life". Few volumes after a bad guy installs an electric device in our protagonists heart so that it electrocutes him if our hero does not obey. Then our hero takes a machete, rips his stomach and pulls out the device attached to his heart with his hands. Few moments after while he bleeds all over the place he kicks someones face so hard that his hand goes through his head making a hole in his face. By then I was fairly convinced that this isn't very realistic. The manga tries to be serious but it just can't. :D

There is a plot and there are a lot of characters. There are some interesting ideas but the main thing in this manga is fighting. And there's a ton of fucked up fighting and lucky for us the violence isn't censored at all so you'll see blood, bones and such splattering all over the place.


In short it's all good fun and gore. The plot is there but it's not exactly original. The manga also steals some bits from others but you won't care. Art is ok, nothing exceptional or over the top artistic but it delivers. The story is also very politically impolite. You'll be seeing a lot of swastikas and stars of Davids combining and such. :D There's so much manliness here that it's leaking out everywhere.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

There are also two unrelated stories included.


  1. there is a manga? i only know the movie and that is just fantastic! :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post, thanks !

  4. didn't knew that there's a comic about that :O
    great post man.

    step by at:

  5. Meni se nije dopalo .. posebno kraj kada umrse stvari , filler fillera.
    Preporuka samo za fanove Blood/Spatter/Gore , otherwise , nah..
    Btw , Riki-Oh vs. Chuck Norris ? :)

  6. Pa da, priča nije ni bitna ovdje. To sam i naveo u postu. Bitan je gore i tabačina. :D
