Ring 0 Original Soundtrack

I posted this a long time ago on TNA, twice, and the links died out pretty fast. I was never really bothered to reupload it because afterwords I felt that this is a little out of touch with the blog. That's why I'm posting it here with some additional thoughts and interesting (I guess) experiences with watching the Ring series. The soundtrack related text starts at the bottom of the second picture.

I was fairly young when the first remake got out in Europe (I was about 12). I found out about it through some trailer that was on a video tape of some other movies. When I saw the trailer I was kinda glad that I don't really need to watch this movie because I thought it would freak me out a lot. Then a few weeks later I was surfing through the local video store with nothing really gaining my interest. And then this little interesting tape caught my eye. "Hey it's that movie... uhh should I watch it or not?" and yeah I did.

It's interesting how can something influence a persons psyche and subconsciousness so much by just showing a series of moving pictures also known as movies. A story that practically had nothing in common with my life and yet it had everything I was afraid of. Especially the "cursed tape", every fucking scene of that tape had a thing that I was afraid of. Mirrors (I am disgusted by them, I can barley look at them for some reason), that stare, black and white color, cliffs, dark water and yes, I am actually afraid of ladders (I'm unable to climb more than one step of ladders, I freeze and can't move -_-). Another interesting anecdote I had with this movie is that upon the first view of this movie I completely kicked out the final legendary scene out of my head. I had no idea I watched it. I only realized it when I watched it for the second time about a year after. I'll never forget the moment when I completely freaked out screaming "THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN THE FIRST TIME" while watching the scene and having flashbacks of me watching it for the first time and completely erasing it from my memory.

After that second watch I decided to avoid the Ring franchise because it didn't really affect my mind in a good way. It took me about 5 years to force myself to watch it again. I found all the movies and even the Korean one (which was terrible actually). I watched them all, twice, in hopes to flush out my silly fears. Yeah; that didn't really help.

Among all the sequels, remakes etc. there stood just one more thing I didn't yet watch and that was Ring 0. In all previous movies the girl was portrayed as something unhuman, unnatural and vengeful over mankind. This movie showed her human side, in this movie she was the victim and people were the monsters. It showed her fragile and natural side which was something something I never really expected when I watched it for the first time. It was at that time when I realized that she was actually human before and that there's a good reason as to why she became after what she was.

The soundtrack is naturally quite fitting, the opening and ending tracks were made by a visual kei band (larc en ciel, something like that). Both of those songs were very uninteresting and I can't really tell that I listened them to more than twice. The rest of the soundtrack on the other hand is quite good. It was composed by Shinichirou Ogata (he also did one Ghost In The Shell soundtrack, can't remember which though) and it mostly orchestral music. But there are ambient and some noisy passages that make this soundtrack very fitting for the whole setting of an somewhat Shakespeare plot. It's funny how one track gets to be sad and melancholic flute arranged piece and then all of the sudden the next track falls deep into ambient and sort of eerie sound. I like that, it never gets boring that way. It brings you the sad mood of a tragic, inevitable violent death of a person that was just simply born that way.
I don't need to watch Ring movies anymore, the people and the places appear in my dreams on regular basis ever since I watched it for the first time.


  1. Anonymous9/12/09 17:55

    Hi. I check your site out all the time. Just wanted to mention the Ring TV series. Very 'PG' but it still kicks ass. A another cool twist on the Ring mythos.

    p.s. Homunculus kick ass too!!!!!

  2. hey, great blog!
    thank you for indulging my sweet tooth for the... well, disturbing but well crafted!

    track 3 on this archive is corrupt, you'll probably need to re-do the archive as unless you use stuffit archive manager, it quits after track 2 or just comes up as an error.
    thanks again!
