Alpgeist - 2020 - Bergteufel und Waldgeister


Hey folks! I'm all healed up and I have albums to share. Last time I was posting something it was November (black metal time) so I think I'll continue with a couple more black metal albums I've discovered recently.

Alpgeist is a relatively obscure German black metal band from Bavaria that has this one long form song EP and a demo prior. I've not checked the demo but this EP is a gem that definitely needs much more (internet) exposure than it got initially back in 2020. The EP title roughly translates to mountain devils and forest spirits and as soon as it starts you'll get hit by a comfy barrage of atmospheric keyboards and melodic tremolo riffs. The atmosphere of the EP certainly is "foresty" but it is very upbeat and dynamic. The production is crisp and audible making the synths able to stand out every time they kick in. Often the nature inspired bands get bogged down in monotony but this release provides a lot of changes in tempo and riffing making these 20 minutes feel way too short. Looking forward to hear where this band goes next and in the meantime if you're in search for some solidly made black metal be sure to check this out!

Get it!

Stream it!

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