This tape runs for 13 minute and the cover should give you a pretty good idea on how it sounds. The closest comparison would be, of course, Paysage d'Hiver but the project is distinct enough to no be just a clone of it. The mixing is a little weird because the tape essentially has two layers of sound. The first, dominant, layer is the melancholic synthwork which is of a significantly better sound quality (and it sounds much louder) than the guitar/drums/vocal work which make the second far less dominant and softer sounding layer. The black metal part is traditional atmoshit done well with piercing vocal shrieks, blastbeats and buzzing guitars. The synths are melancholic, slow and very winter comfy. I adore to listen to bands and albums mixed like this in the middle of the night with just me and my books or whatever. The only bad thing I would say about this tape is that the jumps between the black metal and ambient parts are at points done very jarringly and definitely get you kicked out of the intended mood. Despite that I would still recommend this a try when you're in the mood for some introspective lo-fi stuff.