New Deathspell Omega coming out in november.

Fuck yeah! It will be released on November 8th in Europe. For those of you who live in the US it would probably be a good idea to know that Ajna isn't their distributor anymore. Season Of Mist took the job. This is probably because the scale of distribution is too big for Ajna this time.

The album will be called Paracletus. It is also the last part of the trilogy (first being SMRC, second FAS).

This is how the cover will most likely look:

Speculations on my behalf:

- what does the title mean and what will the album be about?

From what I researched Paracletus is some sort of advocate or lawyer in a religious context. It's a Greek word and is fairly difficult to explain. If we look retrospectively the SMRC album was about relation between God and Man. Kenose being the appendix of SMRC also covered that theme to some extent. I didn't do much research about Kenose so I can't say much. Fas was about angels and their revolt against God. The appendix of Fas was Chaining the Katechon. Katechon was/is someone/something that keeps the antichrist from manifesting. Paracletus then could be about the Antichrist or the devil himself. Not to mention that on the cover is something that looks like it's going to murder the cosmos. And it has 7 heads?

- how will it sound?

Probably in a direction that FAS took but hopefully we won't get a FAS clone. Since they have Mikko Aspa on board with them I'm sure he'll provide a lot of non-metal music in the album  and since his forte are noise and similar atonal genres I'm fairly certain it will contain a lot of chaotic noisy/ambient intervals between their common black metal arrangements. Katechon to me seemed a lot calmer and far less atonal compared to FAS so I'm guessing this time around the songs won't be screaming all over the place like The Shrine Of Mad Laughter for example. It will be more brooding and darker since it (again I speculate) deals with a far more darker and sinister being than mad angels stricken with jealousy.

- since the trilogy is going to be concluded, will they split up after that?

I highly doubt that! There are so many themes to cover in religion and the occult so there's plenty of material to work with. They have proven (to me at least and probably to a lot of you people as well) that they are highly creative and innovative people so I'm sure they will continue to surprise us with more releases every few years and I hope they will not stagnate (or do a live show, that would kill everything :< ).

What are your thoughts about this whole thing? Are you looking forward to it?

I'll be buying it the moment it comes out and preferably in some pretentious elitist limited format. :3


  1. Anonymous6/9/10 03:00

    Jel ovo "paracletus" ima ikakve veze sa hrv. "prokletstvo"?

  2. 2010 is the god damn fucking year for metal. (and music in general really)

    Quite excited

  3. Anonymous6/9/10 09:32

    I'll probably buy it in some plebeian, non-elitist edition. :D

  4. @ anon: Ne vjerujem da postoji nekakva poveznica između te dvije riječi jer izvorna (Grčka) riječ nema nikakve veze sa nečim što bi se moglo asocirati kao prokletstvo.

    @ GreyWings: Well now that you mention it, it really is a good year for metal. The last good year I remember was 2007, it was like every band decided to put an album out that year. :D

    @ Chandler: Eh, I'll probably end the same like you since the vinyl edition will probably be a lot more expensive than I could afford. :D

  5. Paracletus literally means "comforter," and was used in the Christian Bible, namely in the Johannine works, to connote the "holy spirit."

  6. Anonymous8/9/10 03:02

    Trawnets is correct.

    This looks to be the the God album we have been waiting for. Fas was their Satanalbum and his portrayal as a victim, and Paracletus seems to be a demonizing of the Holy Spirit.

    To analyze the cover, the fire comes from the above. It could be construed this... beast, moves through the use of fire. Which fire is a key figure in most descriptions of the Holy Spirit's presence.

    This is the conclusion me and several friends have come to.
