Punch - Eyeless EP

Send word to thy mother for I have returned! I still have a few exams but I think I can start working smoothly again.

Speaking of mothers and female genitalia here's a short burst of some furious vegan hardcore. And we all know hardcore is far more fun when a furious (vegan) woman screams. It's nothing overly original but that's not something I really look for in hardcore music. This is 100% smashing which I love so dearly. <3


1. Thank You, Come Again
2. Nothing Left
3. Waste Land
4. Convenience Store
5. Semantically Challenged
6. No Such Thing As A Stupid Question
7. Words

avg bitrate: 203

Fuck yes!


  1. Anonymous24/6/10 23:45

    Welcome Back!!!! We missed you!!!!!

    Did you hear Omodaka??? I'm reading the Drifting Classroom (finally!!!) it fucking radical! Good Luck in school!

  2. Were you the one who recommended Omodaka to me before? I have checked him out on youtube a bit and I like him very much. Can't seem to find any albums by him.

    Drifting Classroom is great! I have yet to get the rest of the volumes but it's sheer brilliance. Great choice of reading!

  3. Anonymous26/6/10 21:11

    Yes That was me. I discovered Omodaka on YouTube then finally saw him at South by Southwest here in Austin Texas (usa). He was GREAT live! My friend gave me copies of the 2 Omodaka albums, its mostly the stuff thats already on You Tube, but maybe I can try to upload them. I found Drifting Classroom at BakaBT. Yeah, it's fucking amazing...Well, gotta go... PEACE!!
