Sun Ra

Sun Ra is a person I respect most high. Not a lot of people like him lived on this sad plant. Unfortunately my life started too late to witness him live but fortunately he left quite an abundance of music behind him for me to gnaw on and absorb the sonic sounds of his space love.

In any case I stumbled on accident on a blog called Blaxploitation Jive that posted a majority of his records. If you like Sun Ra then you must visit this blog!


  1. Vertigine23/5/09 20:29

    O_O how many records are there in that blog?! Would you have any advice about one album to start with?

  2. Well his albums are quite diverse. I guess Super-Sonic Jazz, Jazz in Silhouette or Space Is the Place would be the best places to start with.

    I da Zmaj skužio sam da sam napisao plant umjesto planet ali zbog komične vrijednosti nisam htio ispravit. :D

  3. Vertigine25/5/09 19:29

    Thanks ^_^

  4. Prestani sve shvacat kao napad ono. -_-

    I meni je komicno, jel.

  5. A jebiga kad sam sav usahnuo. xD

  6. Seksaj se s nekim ili nesto. :DD
