
Click on the pic to enlarge it.

It took me around 20 minutes to connect all this crap and about 10 minutes more to adjust the sounds how I want it so finally I started rehearsing and someone came in and was all "WTF IS THIS SOUND TURN IT OF". :(


  1. You are by no means alone.

    When I try to play my mixer (or anything, actually), I get neighbors on all sides pounding the walls/ceiling/floor.

    I don't think I'll renew my lease here.

    Also, how awesome are those Behringer pedals?
    I think they're completely awesome.

    BTW the set-up has refined quite a bit since I last saw it on TUM.

  2. Anonymous29/6/08 17:59

    woou :O
    prekul ti je to
    ja tako ne bi nikad mogla napravit >.<
    glupe zenske... T.T


  3. @ deawn: hvala ali nije tako komplicirano samo treba znat koji kabel ide u koju rupu. :D

    @ Roger Camden: Ha so I'm not alone! :D

    And yeah I changed my setup quite a bit since TUM because I was working part time over the winter so I got some money to buy different stuff/pedals 'n shit. Anyway I turned into a total Behringer slut over the days since they are so cheap and do the job quite well (especially the mixete). Still I'm missing an key component which I'm unable to buy since the assholes from NoiseFX won't ship to my country. ;(

  4. Anonymous1/7/08 19:14

    that's so cool it's almost cool
