Gwigwi Mrwebi - Mbaqanga Songs

 I heard somewhere that it's autumn. That time of the year when you do all the shit you do during every other time of the year except now everything around you is dying. Or birthing; for you South Hemispherians. To complete the dying process of everything here's a complimentary album for you to enjoy while being alive or in the process of dying.

Gwigwi Mrwebi comes from a land that has no seasons. The only weather forecast he has is either incredibly hot or impending mauling by lions. To compensate for the lack of anything in his country Gwigwi Mrwebi decided to do some jazz. So Gwigwi Mrwebi packed his shit and came to London to record some authentically awesome jazz from Africa. You don't really get the chance to experience some authentic African production but you do get to experience its players (I couldn't find any information from which country they actually are).

The album was recorded in 1967 which makes it an interesting blend of old and new. It has those light bebop solos here and there, swing melodies and a bit of soul and funk in it. There's a bit of everything in here but it also gives that exotic feeling. You'll know what I mean hopefully when you hear the thing. I can't really explain it. In any case, the main emphasis here is on melody so most songs are very easy to digest even if you're not into jazz. Just some good melodies and great rhythm. Good stuff.


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