N.I.B.I.R.U. - War Before Extinction

Back when Insect Warfare decided to quit I was sorely disappointed. I mean, they released possibly one of the best grindcore album of all time (along with a string of excellent full length demos and EPs) and then they just petered off into obscurity. The band disbanded in 2009 officially and people went their separate ways. Ever since then I've been looking for similar grindcore bands and quietly following ex-band members of IW through their various projects.

One of these projects was NIBIRU which was a short lived grindcore band that didn't put out much but it was deeply rooted in IW style of playing. This EP is pretty much the only thing they did and it's only 8 minutes or so but it's fucking radical. Since the band contained a lot of IW members the whole thing sounds like IW (like it's a spiritual successor) but there are distinct differences as well. IW used to focus on those fast thrashing riffs but on here the focus is more on guitar chugging at lower rates of blast beats. The result is a familiar IW sound but much more slower and far more pummeling.

It's a taste of things that promised a lot but sadly they never continued with this band. What got though is surely worth several listens.

Get it.

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