四人囃子 - 一触即発 = Ishoku-Sokuhatsu

This album/band might be or it might not be a hidden gem depending on how knowledgeable you are of the Japanese prog-rock scene. I personally discovered them by chance and I greatly enjoyed this album which also seems to be their most popular. They also released a bunch of other albums but I haven't had the chance to hear them.

It came out in 1974 while the band was relatively of a young age. It starts off with a short burst of noisy synth sounds but it quickly segues into a much more conventional prog rock sound. The overall experience is similar to Pink Floyd and similar bands like for example the first (proper) track sounds like Pink Floyd but the synth solo feels like it came from The Doors song. It's strange but it works. Later on the album picks up speed and other drugs bringing much more psychedelia, strange transitions and wicked guitar solos. As it goes one (especially in the longer more jam packed tracks) the band brings in more of their own unique sound.

To be honest I'm not very picky about prog rock and I'll like an album as long as it's not too cheesy or cluttered so I can't really tell if this album stood the test of time or not. Its continuing popularity might suggest that it did.

Get it.

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