Sun Ra - Reflections In Blue

Yes, another Sun Ra album. Reflections In Blue is one of those albums that doesn't really sound like Sun Ra to me. I mean, it's still jazz but it's so different from what he usually did. It's so light and carefree and easy to listen. It's one of those jazz records that you listen when you're doing something around the house and something light plays in the background to fill in the mood. Sun Ra also sings alone in I Dream Too Much which is somewhat weird because I don't recall any particular albums where he sings completely alone. Well, whatever I suggest you check this one out. I think it's really good even for those who aren't much into Sun Ra because of his space tendency of chaotic music.


State Street Chicago (Ra) (7:52)
Nothin' from Nothin' (Patrick) (4:24)
Yesterdays (Kern-Harbach) (7:46)
Say It isn't So (Berlin) (6:11)
I Dream Too Much (Kern) (5:03)
Reflections in Blue (Ra) (8:20)

Swinging stuff.


  1. I just stumbled upon Space is the place. Have you seen this movie?

    P.S. Do you have any new stuff from my ero-guro masters Suehio or Shintaro?

  2. Yes I know of Space is the place. Great movie!

    I don't have any newest material as they haven't been translated yet. I do still have some more of his older stuff that I didn't upload yet. All in good time comrade!
