Horrors, there was (and still is) always something inside me that made to watch horrors and look for them and even if I was so terrified of them I would still watch them. I don't know, they have something which no other genre can't provide me and that's countless of sleepless nights, really fucking scary lucid dreams, superstition and plain good fun and laughter. When I found out that there are actually horror comics and mangas I was at first very skeptical about it because I didn't really believe that simple drawings on a paper can deliver as much as a movie does. While partially this is true because in movies you have music and you have actors and all the things good horror movie has. But the movies have a strict limitations on actors performance and their ability to make something scary with visual effects, budget and a demanding audience. The positive side with horror mangas is that the only thing you really need is just good imagination and art skills. The rest is the easy part. Fuan no tane or Seeds of anxiety in English is a compilation of urban legends, myths and stories of people who had scary surreal experiences. The author of Fuan No Tane traveled around Japan and he kindly collected a lot of those stories and eventually he drew them and published them under this 3 volumed series of short horrors. All stories are sorted into categories like schools, homes, visitors and similar. The art is very good and facial expressions are excellent which fully takes you into the story and the ambient which creates. I recommend this highly to anyone who likes to read horror.
All Volumes.
All Volumes.