Billy Harper ‎- 1975 - Black Saint

I've shared Billy's music before but I haven't actually talked about him or his style. Capra Black, which was the album I shared before was a very operatic and grandiose album with ambitious compositions that were very impressive for a debut album especially by a not very well known musician at that. He did have a music degree before recording it so it's not all that surprising that he managed to pull it off. on Black Saint he takes things to smaller but more tighter scales. Starting off the album with a riff that sounds like the composition is about to evolve into an elaborate Colors cover it quickly dissolves into a very organized, traditional and relaxed modal jazz trip. After this relatively calm introduction we get two longer compositions with first being a bit of a mixed bag mainly because the fucking cowbell is damn too loud. Aside from the annoying cowbell everything else is more free and more loose musically which offers space for more improvisational and more intense solos (piano being the centerpiece here). Lastly the album drifts off with a whopping 21 minute spiritual which lets all the musicians play at their hearts content fully immersing the sound and feeling of later Coltrane sound. Although a bit self indulgent this lesser known album is still a good experience if you've exhausted all the well known players.


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