The Art of Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns was a game that was released back in 2011. From what I gather it's a remake/sequel of an earlier game called American McGee's Alice. Truth be told I never played Alice: Madness Returns and it's something that won't change very soon (or late). I did play the "original" back in primary school and I remember it being very bleak and hard to control. Most platformer-esque games were like that back in the day when 3D was still a new, clunky, thing. But the game felt unique and memories of it are still stuck in my mind.

What most people, including myself, remember about these two games is their art. The gameplay never really was anything special but the artstyle definitely is interesting if not unique. It was/is a blend of the macabre, Victorian England and early age of industrial revolution. It made the story of Alice look really brooding, and monstrous.

Lucky for us we don't need to trod through the game just to enjoy the art because an artbook has been released for it. In it you'll find what you usually find with artbooks of this kind which is lots of concept art, sketches and fully sized paintings. There are some other interesting things like 3d models and sort of a developers commentary that makes an appearance every page or so which is interesting if you would like to learn more about their ideas and work process.

Certainly an interesting thing to look at

Get it.

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