Portus is
one of those Japanese horror stories. You know, the ones with cursed things and vengeful ghosts.
The story of Portus is about a video game called, well, Portus. There's a rumor that if you play it enough you can encounter a secret level in the game. In that level there is some mysterious boy and if you loose you will commit suicide (in seven daaaaays). And there comes our protagonist whose friend committed suicide because of that game. She finds the video game in her room and the investigation begins.
While the story does rip off elements from The Ring and similar popular horror movies it certainly has its own merits. Actually the story does drift off in a lot different way from the movie Ring. While this is supposed to be a horror story and on the back cover it states so boldly that this story "might put you off video games for the rest of your life" it's not that scary as it presents itself. Unlike for example stories by Junji Ito where tension and horror slowly but steady climbs up to a two page climax of ultimate horror this one relies more on the
GOTCHA factor that we see in American horrors. Despite that flaw the story did immerse me and I did feel the tension of the whole situation and the claustrophobic feel of the game itself.
The art actually reminds me a lot on what Naoki Yamamoto (Believers etc.) does and clearly Jun Abe has a lot of talent for drawing. My only complaint in the art department of things would be that sometimes facial expressions are not what they are supposed to be. They aren't quite well made sometimes. I don't know how to explain it, they just feel stiff sometimes. Except those moments the overall art is quite good so if you think the story is generic at least you'll enjoy the art.
Overall it's an ok horror story. You won't die if don't read it but it's a fun ride so why the hell not read it? :D