Alas it is done. The last file has been uploaded. Naturally it took exponentially longer than I predicted because a lot of malfunctions kinda happened at the same time and a lot of times I had to upload something twice or thrice due to connection failures and so on. Man, my life sure is problematic.
And of course, thanks again to the lovely people that helped me out finding most of the manga that I was missing. You're all great <3
So yeah, I feel like I survived this weird post-apocalyptic world where everyone had a bright colored mohawk haircut, ships collided into buildings and everyone was a body builder. Let's just hope Mediafire does not learn the Hokuto Shin-Ken and my files end up already dead.
Now that this era of Flying Teapot is done I say we can go where we want to. A place where they will never find and we can act like we come from out of this world, leave the real one far behind.
As long as we safely dance. So let's get to some new music and manga, preferably this month!

New uploads coming as soon as they upload.