You probably didn't notice (but I did :<) but "we" didn't celebrate Flying Teapot-s second birthday. This was due to several factors which I won't really bother to explain. Well, we'll celebrate it today. Why? Because my birthday is today so I guess the analogy could make some sense. You know, the blog is 2 and I'm 20. So it's kinda similar, the difference is just one zero to me.
Despite being inactive as fvck I think the blog pretty much remained the same as it was the year before. I like it this way so I don't really see any need for changes. Recently the followers numbers have hit the 200 mark but I still get the exact same feeling of being a small unnoticed blog even though whenever I spew something out here 200 people will eventually will see it in some form and 200 isn't a small number unless we're talking about ohm resistance and we're not talking about that.
I won't hold any long speeches, words would only spoil things. I would just like to thank you all for being here and reading/downloading everything I put up. It fills me with joy to share stuff that make me what I am.
And of course what better way is to celebrate this occasion other than to download? :D
So here are some presents:
Since its my birthday as well I thought I should share something with you that marked my entire childhood. I grew up in the 90s and I didn't really have any consoles and crap like that. I grew up on PC so DOS games were pretty much all I played. Now that I think of it everybody treated me as an outcast because of that. Every kid my age had a Nintendo but I didn't care. Me and my dad used to play Lucas Arts adventure games and all that crap all the time. He would translate and I would direct actions. It's how I learned English in the first place haha. But there was one game that I played over and over and over. And that was:
Commander Keen
Yes this motherfucker drained several years of my so called life. I played these series all the time firstly because I didn't need dad around to translate and secondly because it's one of the best platform based games that I ever played (yes that's right, I don't like Mario games ;P). I knew all the levels, all the secrets and all the cool jumps. It was my first addiction. That terrible sound when you loose a life still haunts me. I actually hear it sometimes in my dreams when somebody dies.
There are seven titles that got out for PC. 1, 2 and 3 have one, really old, engine and 4, 5 and 6 (dreams) had a better looking one. When I was little 4, 5 and 6 were the popular and active ones so I overlooked the first three for a very long time. Eventually one really boring high school summer I went through the first three and I can't really recommend them. They are pretty much inferior versions of the later ones. I uploaded the games I played so you get here: episode 4, 5, and 6 along with Dreams.
The story is about a boy who is at night Commander Keen! He goes around saving our galaxy and slacks off from eating vegetables at dinner. The story isn't very important. The important segment here is the gameplay which is rich and diverse. Diverse as dos games go so I can't really recommend this to someone who can't enjoy nostalgic old games. The last sequel called dreams is actually the weirdest one. Apparently some potato troops trapped him through some dream like machine so he has to save himself by running around in his pajamas from potato soldiers and mad carrots. Never quite understood it. :D
I'll post more stuff tomorrow. I don't want to cramp everything into one post.